STARZPLAY unveils hidden secrets with top-rated documentaries streaming NOW!

The generation’s content consumption habits have changed as can be seen from the emerging rise of documentary filmmaking. This could stem from a generation’s obsession with reality television, a need for non-fictional content to improve their bank of knowledge, or just the simple telling of a true story! At a glance, Documentaries can offer a world view on human psyche and behaviour that fictional storylines could miss out on and an opportunity to live a real person’s journey as opposed to a character. It could open a pathway to hidden gems and stories that wouldn’t have seen the light of the day unless a filmmaker chose to pick up the mantle.

Take a scroll through STARZPLAY’s top-rated documentaries and fuel your general know-how!

  1. I am Ali: An intimate and hear-touching peek into the life and times of the legendary Muhammad Ali! Directed by Claire Lewins, I am Ali traces the life of professional boxer Muhammad Ali using personal audio recordings of the boxer that he taped himself in 1970. Additionally, the series also includes interviews of Muhammad Ali’s loved ones, testimonials from friends and family members, people strongly associated with the professional boxing circuit, and actual footage of Ali being used throughout the film. The film also featured the presence of noteworthy personalities like George Foreman, Jim Brown, and Mike Tyson.

The world is a marvellous place with several well-kept secrets! Watch the book of secrets unfold on your smart screens from the comfort of your home!