Contact Information
Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859
Sit Rd, Azusa New York

6 Action-Packed Movies Coming Up This December
- . November 30, 2017
The holiday season at STARZ PLAY just got a lot better. This December, we have exhilarating movies lined up just for you. We’ll leave you…

6 Awesome Shows Coming to STARZPLAY This December
- . November 29, 2017
The most awaited month of the year is finally here! What have you planned for this December? Boring dinners at your in-laws? But you shouldn’t…

Here’s Everything Happening in Shannara Chronicles Season 2
- . November 25, 2017
The Second Season of the Shannara Chronicles begins with Four Lands in total chaos. The return of magic in the land has made people terrified…

Crime Week: First Week of December on STARZPLAY
- . November 23, 2017
If you are a fan of crime shows and documentaries, then STARZ PLAY has an early Christmas present for you. We are bringing you top…

Vikings Season 5 is Coming on November 30th: Here’s Why We’re Excited
- . November 22, 2017
There is nothing like it on your television right now! Blood, sweat, and tears literally go into filming the Vikings. Unlike the Game of Thrones,…

Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 is Here!
- . November 18, 2017
Our favorite doctors have put on their coats are ready for the 12th season of Grey’s Anatomy. Producers have really set the bar a notch…

Hell on Wheels (Season 1 -3) Comes to STARZPLAY
- . November 17, 2017
There are many TV shows that are based on historical events, but none is as accurate as the critically acclaimed series, Hells on Wheels. The…

Agents of SHIELD Season 4: Our Heroes Are Back!
- . November 16, 2017
The first three seasons of the Agents of SHIELD sure left us all in awe and we were just begging for more. But not to…

Agent Carter is Back! Here’s What to Expect in Season 2
- . November 11, 2017
After a thrilling first season, it was only right for the producers to come up with the second season of the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Agent…

All-New SMILF Comes to STARZPLAY This November
- . November 9, 2017
After the success of the short film SMILF, it was expected that producers would create an entire television series on the same topic. And that’s…